Saturday, 5 May 2012

Shout out to Teachers for Palestine

So a friend of mine who volunteers in Palestine mentioned me on her blog. For the record, I haven't been able to spend as much time and energy on Palestine solidarity work since I returned to Australia as I'd like; however, stay posted for info on a Nakba day demonstration, and I've got my fingers crossed for a travel article about harvesting olives to be published in a local paper. So I guess I've been keeping busy :)

I decided I'd give a little shout out to Caseceso and another one of my friends still volunteering in Palestine, E, who have been doing some amazing work with the English language teaching project Teach for Palestine for nearly a year now. They've both also been writing blogs about their experiences and adventures in occupied Palestine, constantly reminding me of how much I wish I could have stayed there longer, and putting together a great wealth of information about Palestinian society and culture and how it's impacted by the occupation. E in particular has written about women's issues in Palestine without buying into orientalist superiority narratives at all - figures, coming from a human geographer ;) Well worth reading.

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